Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Medicinal Plants Essay Sample free essay sample

Home grown clinical claim to fame is the use of herbs or workss for their therapeudic or medicative worth. This example is going mainstream presents because of the utilization of normal fixings rather than man-made 1s. Despite the fact that only a couple of individuals put stock in its effectivity. numerous explores have been led with the goal that others will get down to swear its effectuality. The exploration is about the 10 ( 10 ) herb tea workss that the examination laborers have picked with their relating intercession. These natural workss were picked dependent on its handiness in the Filipino Market or in one’s spot and terrace. These workss were picked dependent on its corrective incentive in taking care of the normal unwellness or infection experienced by a run of the mill Filipino. These workss are the undermentioned: ginger. malunggay. lagundi. ampalaya. papaia. marjoram. Allium sativum. Psidium littorale. sambong. what's more, squash. This study expects to reveal the plant’s therapeudic esteem. It expects to occur out what segment of a works treats a particular unwellness with the goal that this insight can be utilized by others who encountered this sickness. We will compose a custom paper test on Restorative Plants Essay Sample or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Foundation of the Study Home grown clinical claim to fame began during the bygone yearss when individuals utilized foliages and workss for their ailment. The person who ordinarily does that is named as customary advisors or home grown doctors. These beginning of as a test and mix-up balance and the comprehension they had picked up was passed on by expressions of oral hole or a bit of custom from one coevals to the next. In the Philippines. the example of home grown clinical forte in the state is extremely normal. Long prior. these home grown doctors didn’t have a particular perception on what these workss are for. They only search anything out and take the works that they believe is progressively useful. Through coevalss of specific technique. the herbs that were known to be efficacious were kept alive and the uneffective 1s were in the blink of an eye overlooked. These herbs are other than utilized now since it is more affordable contrasted with current medications. The significance of this to the researcher’s review is that Filipinos will hold more cognizance on the decision of medicative herbs to be utilized to deal with their protests and to include them on the plant’s effectivity. It will other than help the individuals see a few points of interest and impediments of using such an example. Puting of the Study This study will be led at Centro Escolar University. Manila. CEU is a non-partisan private college situated at # 143 Mendiola St. . San Miguel. Manila. It was set up on June 3. 1907 by Dona Librada Avelino and Dona Carmen de Luna for the bearing and readiness of the youngster in all developments of the humanistic orders and logical controls. With certain seats. an individual writing slate and a couple of books. the two educators firm sustained a fantasy of set uping a high and mighty focus of larning for Filipino grown-up females. The principal school which is Pharmacy opened in 1921. The College of Liberal Arts. Training and Dentistry tailed in a steady progression. Three mature ages along these lines. the College of Optometry was set up. The college caters the heading and readiness of the Filipino youngster in surveies that attention on the humanistic controls. humanistic orders. logical trains and associated clinical forte. CEU is other than known for its Dentistry and Pharmacy alumnuss. The entirety of the scholastic plans that the college offers are authorize degrees 2. 3. furthermore, 4 by the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines. In the mean time. the examination laborers will continue the greater part of their investigates at the college library. which offers a gigantic accumulation of asset stuffs that is utile in acquiring applicable informations for the study. The assets comprise of print. non-print collection and electronic stuffs. Print stuffs are made out of volume of books enhanced with remote and nearby periodical rubrics. Non-print stuffs incorporate the CD-ROMS of books and periodicals and microfilms. Web establishments are accessible for electronic assets and on-line memberships to proficient journals. The college library is situated on the principal first gallery and second floors of the Carmen De Luna Hall ( CDL ) and on the second floor of the Librada Avelino Hall ( LAH ) . Hypothetical Model Home grown clinical forte is an antediluvian strategy which is as yet rehearsed today. Since it’s an old strategy. arranged human advancements are using it and there are army ways that they are accepted to work. Some accepted that the visual parts of the workss gives an indicant to what it very well may be utilized to deal with ; this physical likeness between the works and the natural structure segment to be restored is known as the â€Å"Doctrine of Signatures† . From the Middle Ages forward. they can sort it dependent on perceptions and by gathering logical grounds. In view of every one of these classifications. 3 developments of home grown clinical claim to fame are drilled: Western Herbal Medicine. Ayurvedic and Chinese Herbal Medicine. This overview will be guided by the Western Herbal Medicine which has its underlying foundations both in the autochthonal examples of the British Isles and in the European and Greco-Roman customs. Western herbalism is described by an individual focused assault where the patient is the focussed of the practitioner’s joining in. The foundation to the patient’s conditions is evaluated through a careful case history of the patients. Its treatment is aimed at the causes non just the introducing side effects. The pick of the herbs will be founded on that evaluation and this intercession is regularly supported up with a suitable guidance on way of life to make an environment of trust and positivism in the remedial relationship. Reasonable Framework Figure 1The Conceptual Paradigm on Using the System Model Figure 1 shows the strategy that will be done in this overview. The examination work of the exploration laborers on 10s ( 10 ) herb tea workss will discover what explicit ailments the referenced herbs will deal with. Uing the framework hypothetical record. the info incorporates the 10 ( 10 ) herb tea workss to be investigated. viz. . Ginger. Lagundi. Ampalaya. Garlic. Guava. Manlunggay. Sambong. what's more, Squash. In the mean time. the strategy incorporates the examination and approaches to discover the answer to the central employment. Last. the finished result will be the proposed arrangement to propel the utilization of home grown clinical strength. Proclamation of the ProblemThis research expects to discuss the 10 neighborhood restorative workss typically used to deal with arranged unwellnesss. It plans to lucubrate how these workss moderate and treat those grumblings and to discover the favorable circumstances and detriments brought around by using these medicative workss. This review intends to answer the undermentioned inquiries:1. What are the 10 medicative workss typically utilized in the Philippines? 2. What are the infections that can be treated by the said medicative workss in the overview? 3. How make these restorative workss help with taking care of and mitigating physiologic or infected conditions? 4. Is it prudent to use home grown clinical claim to fame rather than business 1s? 5. What is the significance of Herbalism in Healthcare framework today? 6. What are the components related in using works clinical fortes for social insurance requests in the study? Premises of the Study The examination study is moored on the reason that the informations assembled by the exploration laborers sing the 10 medicative workss ( Ampalaya. Ginger. Garlic. Guava. Lagundi. Malunggay. Oregano. Papaya. Sambong and Squash ) are demonstrated and was tried by an expertly proficient exploration specialist. The review other than expect that the asset stuffs were pertinent and trustworthy. Besides. the gathered informations were thought to be acceptably arranged and incorporated together to sort out a trustworthy and genuine exploration study. At the terminal of the overview the exploration laborers expect that there is satisfactory logical surveies to warrant the blooming business sector of medicative workss in the Philippines and that the Filipinos are extremely unique and are searching frontward for new creations sing herbalism. Importance of the Study Notwithstanding the mechanical advancement brought roughly by the cutting edge age. destitution is as yet one of the most incapacitating occupations among third universe states. In such financial area. dish to fundamental necessities, for example, supplement. cover. security. also, guidance have been difficult to achieve especially with health consideration. This constrained the Department of Health of the Philippines to reappraise customary medicative treatment and back the utilization of the 10 home grown clinical claims to fame clinically demonstrated to hold therapeudic esteem in the mitigation and intercession of grouped protests in topographic purpose of costly pharmaceutical readyings. known as the â€Å"Sampung Halamang Gamot Program. † Besides. medicative workss take in manus non simply the interest to use clinical forte as a constituent of wellbeing administrations yet next to the interest for expanded cognizance of the advantages of the home grown clinical claims to fame. Such worthwhile impacts. by the by. are as yet inaccessible at the current clasp. By and by. the conveyance and variety of medicative workss is non acceptable recorded that profitable innovative work in the field can non put off. In this manner. the outcomes of this examination is cardinal for the ebb and flow depiction and rating of the exploration laborers biodiversity each piece great with respect to the great beyond research laborers that will require the database gathered as balance for their from this point forward overview on nearby medicative workss. What's, all in all. confirmation of the exploration laborers nearby medicative work

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cleanliness Champions Free Essays

Hand Decontamination With the episode of anti-microbial flexible diseases, contamination control is turning into a significant worry for wellbeing bunches everywhere throughout the world (WHO, 2011). The danger of disease can be diminished by utilizing three kinds of hand washing known as social, sterile and careful strategies (HAI, 2011). Social hand washing is a valuable technique for evacuating soil and transient small scale creatures. We will compose a custom exposition test on Tidiness Champions or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now Utilizing cleanser or a liquor based gel if hands are not dirty, overwhelmingly clean your hands utilizing the eight phases of hand-washing. This can stop transmission of the transient miniaturized scale living beings when in direct contact with patients (NHS, 2009). Liquor based hand rubs or gels ought not be utilized alone when disease is available as this by itself won't slaughter the spores for contamination, for example, clostridium difficile. In the wake of washing hands must be dried appropriately as inability to do this can build the exchange of microscopic organisms (Nottingham University Hospitals, 2011). Clean cleanliness evacuates transient microorganisms as well as lessens inhabitant microorganisms. This is utilized when getting ready to work in a sterile domain, during a flare-up circumstance or following contact with natural liquids. Utilize a disinfectant hand chemical when washing and vivaciously follow the eight stages of hand-washing. In the wake of drying appropriately at that point apply a liquor based hand rub and rehash the eight phases (NHS, 2011). Careful scouring is a more extended and progressively exhaustive disinfectant wash of both the hands and lower arms. Before a surgery this strategy is intended to evacuate whatever number of the small scale life forms as could be expected under the circumstances. It includes methodical washing and scouring of the hands and lower arms utilizing the best antibacterial purifying specialist accessible. Sterile outfit and glove methodology are performed following the careful scour (NHS, 2010). Successful hand washing can break the chain of contamination which is known as: the irresistible operator, supply, entryway of leave, method of transmission, gateway of passage and host. In the event that the chain stays flawless, at that point disease will grow, in this way, medical caretakers must wash their hands previously, during and after ontact with a patient and their condition. This will thusly stop the contamination advancing while at the same time guaranteeing smaller scale living beings don't develop in nature. Immediate and roundabout contact transmission includes contact with a sullied object which might be unwashed hands or gloves that are not changed between patients (HAI, 2011). One of the fundamental standards of good cleanliness is the uti lization of individual defensive hardware as this structures a skin obstruction. It is imperative to guarantee the hardware is flawless and sterilized. The choice to utilize or wear individual defensive hardware must be founded on chance appraisal related with the patient consideration movement or mediation. Individual defensive hardware incorporates: gloves, covers, eyewear, tops, outfits, covers and different things (HAI, 2011). The Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) prompts that gloves be worn at whatever point there is a sensible probability that hands will be in contact with blood or other possibly irresistible material, mucous, non-flawless skin or when taking care of tainted things or surfaces. The sheltered use and removal of sharps is basic in shielding every single individual from defilement and injury. The sharps receptacle can be utilized to discard clinical supplies, for example, needles and syringes. After the utilization of needles they should be quickly discarded in the sharps canister (NHS, 2011). All human services laborers must know about their duty in maintaining a strategic distance from needle stick wounds (NHS, 2007). The most effective method to refer to Cleanliness Champions, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

Case Study of Architect Christopher Lee Free Essays

Speculations OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM 1.0 Introduction Christopher Lee is a worker creator from Malaysia. He was brought up in Taiping Perak. We will compose a custom paper test on Contextual investigation of Architect Christopher Lee or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now He graduated with AA Diplona ( praises ) from AA. Lee finished his Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture and Urbanism from the Berlage Institute and TU Delft. His preferred creators are Rem Koolhaas, Kazuo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa. Chris Lee is the laminitis of SERIE ARCHITECTS situated in London with his mate Kapil Gupta. The house ‘s endeavors presently length everywhere throughout the universe with advisory groups in India, China, Eastern Europe and United Kingdom. SERIE is known for their hypothetical position that underlines the study of structure typologies and their turn of events. The chose structure to be talk about in this paper is Yan ZhenQing Museum which situated in Linyi, Shandong Province, China. The historical center is determined to a sloping site with 8,265 square meter in Linyi. Yan ZhenQing was an of import calligraphist during eighth century who lived in Shandong Province in China. The gallery house a collections of the calligraphist ‘s plants. In his calligraphic book has solid part of opposite element.The planner utilize the nearby human advancement and the calligraphist ‘s character into the design. The reason for this paper was to investigate the outer contributing elements that effect in configuration plans of the exhibition hall and its speculations of engineering that applied in the structure. The effect of clime, hypotheses and cultural development towards the building were researched through a progression of graphs. 2.0 ANAYSIS 2.1 Climate Linyi has occasional change clime with overheating sweltering, sticky summer and underheating cool, dry winter. The clime influences building direction, size and spot of fenestration and veneer stuffs. Yan ZhenQing Museum is set on a progression of three yards that ascent to some degree over the geology that combined intimately with the territory of site. Every level of yard contain marquees that set after to one another along the territory to limit the E and west veneer nation so as to chop down the warmth expansion during the sweltering summer season. At the point when the marquees are set after to one another, concealed nations are made between the entry infinites so the visitants feel more comrade with the environing scene. At the presentation marquees, the collections of ancient rarities are shielded from direct daylight. The arrangement is to make high roof with fanlights for the marquees to introduce regular daytime in a roundabout way. The fanlights are detached up at the West like a paper hurling up from the surface. The sunshine quality inside the building will modify all through the twenty-four hours when the spot of the Sun changed to enhance the idyllic inclination in the exhibition hall. The marquees are to a great extent conceal with strong divider with just a couple of holes. This is to hinder heat misfortune throughout the winter cut. The understanding of the marquees in an irregular mode like turn overing kicks the bucket have high power to catch more air current. In addition, it permits more air current to transition through the encompassing from large number way. In contrasting, building hinders that orchestrated in pack mode limited the air current to transition around the marquees. The marquees rise to some degree fitting to the geology other than assists with boosting the air current picking up control during summer as they did non obstructed by inverse marquees. 2.2 SOCIAL CULTURE The inside design of Yan ZhenQing Museum unequivocally mirrors the antiquated Chinese handwriting making. The infinites were isolated systematic into a framework mode even the direction of the marquees do non accentuation on the methodical subject of the Chinese handwriting creating. Yan ZhenQing ‘s calligraphic book other than formed in a customary book. The creator needs to make a moderate vast with a basic format to uplift the point of convergence on antiquities inside a limitless. The show corridor can be characterize as an unadulterated substance and clear limit line boundless with delicate characteristic illuming from fanlight which permit the visitants to arraign with the totals of craftsmanship plants in a progressively lovely inclination. Moreover, the perusing subject of Chinese book other than impact the dissemination of the exhibition hall. The Chinese books are perused from option to go forward. Along these lines, the historical center ‘s human course stream other than visit the visitants from the privilege to one side and over the marquees. The marquees were structured into an ideal square to mirror the Chinese standard book which is wrote in an ordinary section. The facade of the marquees are fluted in an opposite way to make a cadenced structure which like the calligraphic book opposite succession. The structure other than tantamount to the conventional Chinese houses artistic material tiles to offer an increasingly social surrounding to the exhibition hall. The spacial arranging of the exhibition hall other than like the customary Chinese Scholar ‘s Garden and Chinese Courtyard House which the most private infinites and treasured articles are ever set at the most profound terminal of the structure. In a bookman ‘s garden, a door corridor for inviting the visitants is the most open topographic point and following by a few marquees and gardens before arrive at the radiant lobby. Divine lobby is a holy topographic point that do stately identified with the sky or Eden. For the Chinese yard house, boss room was situated at the most profound terminal of the house while the amah ‘s suites are set at the. Yan ZhenQing exhibition hall other than apply a similar principle by puting the ancient rarities at the last porch of marquees to label it as the a large portion of import topographic point in the historical center. Old Chinese urban arranging other than arranged in a lattice framework and utilize same spacial arranging. Maje stic manor was set at the in the middle of terminal of the city and encompassed with the resident with the division of avenues. In Yan ZhenQing historical center, corridor go about as the edge that associate the marquees and the nurseries. In conventional bookman ‘s garden, marquees other than joint with corridor to move as a limit to interface an endless to another new unending. The arranging of the exhibition hall has embraced numerous neighborhood customary human advancement into the engineering. 2.3 Theory Basic regionalism furnishes design that meet the footings with present day and custom. Chinese engineering has solid affected by neighborhood civilisation especially while planing historical center. From the outline of Yan ZhenQing exhibition hall, especially from the program of the endeavor, the build of the historical center someway like the customary Chinese yard house. Customary Chinese patio house had a front yard before come ining the auxiliary entryway and a central patio situated in the focal point of the house to move as open endless for the enormous unit. The yard turns into an endless that nexus and keep the auxiliary infinites all together development. Yan ZhenQing historical center has a few yard nurseries to underline the develop of neighborhood human advancement. The yard gardens are set in the middle of the marquees to fill in as open unbounded for the visitants. The customary yard house was walled to hold privateness and security expectation. Yan ZhenQing Museum othe r than surrounded up by the long corridors to give an unmistakable limit to the site. Yan ZhenQing Museum is settled among the slopes far away from the anarchy of turning urban communities. In sing the agreeable of nature, the gallery was structured in clear signifier to keep a sheltered quality, to intermix with the environing scene. The marquees are rise fairly following the territory to do it look prefers a bit of the scene, set on a similar plane with the landscape. The structure ever has a reasonable limit that lifts the building from the scene to deal with the structure as a scene and the sentiment of strolling along a nursery way. Customary religious community and nursery other than settled distant from the clamor city to achieve a mending and agonizing topographic point. Yan ZhenQing Museum other than has an incredible impact by present day design way. The build of the gallery other than complement on the opposite and level components. The long corridors that encircled the marquees show a progression of even boxes from the program position. The incidental type of the marquees has an extremely direct with its stuffs utilized with 90 evaluation at every fringe. The marquees just clad with fired tiles to pass on out straightforwardness of the structure that intelligent with the echt totals of Yan ZhenQing calligraphic book which showed in the marquees. Other than that, the expectation of only using one stuff is to stand apart the show work rather than overwhelming the limitless by the design. The frontages design copied the striking opposite shot of calligraphic book, and the rooftop line of the marquees and corridors emphasize on light even components to equilibrate the nature. The facade of the marquees are extremely basic and clear with its outskirts. Present day design weight on the effortlessness of signifiers and douse unneeded thing on the building. The consolidate of signifiers into delightful wholes is one meaning of design. ( Colin Davies,2011 ) . The exhibition hall was called all in all developing simply with including the yards and corridors. The plans of the exhibition hall was gathered by yards and corridors. Guests will go through these patios both on a level plane and vertically. The reaction and stores of the historical center are situated at the most minimal porch, and the visitants will make a trip up to a yard with guidance and open establishments, and make the presentations at the top degree. The corridors fill in as the central course of the structure what's more as an edge for every marquee. At the point when the visitants move along the corridors, it show the even flow while w

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Protecting Social Welfare, Promote Moral Improvement and Create Economic Reform - Free Essay Example

Progressivism was an era where more people were trying to protect social welfare, promote moral improvement, create economic reform, and foster efficiency because of the events of The Gilded Age, the turn of the 20th century, and the Chicagos Worlds Fair. These were all created to fix the problems of rapid urbanization, rapid industrialization, racial discrimination, and discrimination against immigrants. One of the causes of Progressivism was the Gilded Age. During the Gilded Age things appeared great in the US at first glance, but it actually had serious issues lurking below the surface that were problematic for the average American. These problems were government corruption and ruthless profiting by big businessmen. The turn of the 20th century was also a big cause of Progressivism due to rapid urbanization, rapid industrialization, racial discrimination, and discrimination against immigrants. There was rapid urbanization because of overcrowding in cities, sanitation problems, safety issues, and spread of diseases, especially when more and more immigrants were coming to America for work and better living. Rapid industrialization was because of poor working conditions, pollution, and the tearing apart of families. Racial discrimination was especially emphasized during the Chicago Worlds Fair. Originally, African-Americans were allowed to work at the fair in very specific roles (such as janitors, waiters, etc.) but could not attend themselves because Americans believed that they could not be trusted and that they were naturally criminals. Discrimination against immigrants was because more and more immigrants kept coming to America seeking better job and living opportunities and it crowded all the cities and businesses which leads right back to rapid urbanization. The four major goals that were set for Progressivism were to protect social welfare, promote moral improvement, create economic reform, and foster efficiency. People were struggling to make ends meet in the Industrial Age. To help protect their social welfare more settlement houses, community centers, churches, and social services were created, as well as the Salvation Army to help with soup kitchens and childcare. Florence Kelly also advocated for improving the lives of women and children. Progressivism brought the promotion of moral improvement for people to improve their personal behavior and to help the country regain its morals. Many people believed that alcohol was the root of this problem so the Womens Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) fought for a ban on alcohol. The main idea of creating economic reform was to uncover the injustices and wrongdoings of big businesses and inform the American public by public awareness and sometimes promoting socialism. Eugene V. Debs helped to organize the Socialist Party in the United States in 1901. Issues with big businesses and the gap between the rich and the poor also made some people start to question capitalism which made socialism become attractive to more people. Foster efficiency was wanted to create a more efficient workplace and to use experts and scientists to do so. The plan to help make this happen was to start by limiting the workday to 10 hours. Progressivism did end up working because all of the wrongdoings that were going on were exposed to the public and the majority of the people did not agree with what was currently the right thing for their country.. A reason why people viewed Theodore Roosevelt as the poster child for the Progressive Era was because he took advantage of his presidency as a very powerful tool to influence others in a positive way. He used his federal power to help consumers because he wanted to break up trusts that hurt pubic interests. Roosevelt looked out for public health by creating the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act. The Meat Inspection Act was created in 1906 and it was strict hygienic requirements for meatpackers that also created a program for meat inspection. The Pure Food and Drug Act was also created in 1906 and it halted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling. Before this act was created, products could claim to do anything without any research or proof. Roosevelt also helped the environment because he realized that people were horribly mistreating the environment and that resources are not unlimited. His solution was conservation by creating more national parks.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Myth Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Essay - 1204 Words

In an ancient Greek mythology, mankind obtains fire through a Greek Titan, named Prometheus. The story begins with Zeus, the leader of the Olympus, sending Prometheus to the mortal world to create mankind with clay and water. While Prometheus working on his own creation, he grew love towards mankind, and sympathized with how little power Zeus wanted mankind to have. Therefore, Prometheus stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mankind. After Zeus acknowledged the theft of fire, he was enraged by the action of Prometheus. Afterwards, Zeus punished his action by chaining him to a rock at Caucasus, where his liver being eaten by an eagle during the day and only recovers at night for eternity (Wikipedia). This myth shared very similar component and structure with Shelley’s Gothic fiction, Frankenstein. Shelley’s Frankenstein was deeply influenced by the Prometheus myth ranging from the history of the title, the action of the main character, and the consequences of performing th e action. When the book was first published, Mary Shelley gave a hint of the Prometheus origin in the name of the book. Her original title in 1818 for this book was called â€Å"Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.† After the overwhelming success of Frankenstein in 1818, Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley’s husband, published Prometheus Unbound: A Lyrical Drama. Later, around 1823, The book was reprinted, and Mary Shelley gave the book its final name, Frankenstein. From the original book title â€Å"Frankenstein; or, TheShow MoreRelatedMary Shelley ´s Frankenstein; Or, the Modern Prometheus, an Analysis of the Subtitle1219 Words   |  5 Pagesof creation.† (Shelley 37). Ab initio Victor Frankenstein, the main protagonist, is being put on a level with Prometheus through the subtitle. An indication that Mary Shelley did indeed have the myth in mind as she wrote the novel, is not only her subtitle, but moreover the parallels between the Prometheus myth and Frankenstein, whic h are undeniable. The title itself gives a lot away of the story which follows. It links the modern world with the ancient Greek myth. Victor Frankenstein â€Å"steals† theRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus1342 Words   |  6 Pageswritten. But there is no doubt in the connection of the Greek God Prometheus and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, as the title of the book states: Frankenstein, or the modern Prometheus. Shelley made sure that the readers knew that Frankenstein is to be seen as the modern Prometheus, and all things in her book connect Frankenstein to the Greek God that shaped Humanity. In this essay is stated that Frankenstein is indeed as Shelley meant, the modern Prometheus. Reasoning behind this is of how Frankenstein’sRead MoreThe Consequences Of Technology On Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Essay1703 Words   |  7 PagesThe Consequences of Technology Revealed in Shelley s Frankenstein In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, written in the late nineteenth century, the author proposes that knowledge and technology can be dangerous to individuals and all of humanity. Frankenstein was one of the first cautionary tales about scientific research. Shelley s novel offers profound insight of the consequences of morally insensitive scientific and technological research. Learn from me. . . at least by my exampleRead MoreThe Themes Of Allusions In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1096 Words   |  5 Pagesremarkable for the summariness of its allusions and the rapidity of its transitions. Before one of them is half through a sentence the other knows his meaning and replies. ... His mental lungs breathe more deeply, in an atmosphere more broad and vast†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Mary Shelley was a young and brilliant author and woman, who if allusionist was a career path, she’d be a trailblazer. Although she has an almost impeccable hand at allusions, why does she use them? Was it because of her youth in life as well as the world ofRead MoreFrankenstein: Technology1728 Words   |  7 PagesFrankenstein: Technology In Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, written in the late nineteenth century by Mary Shelley, Shelley proposes that knowledge and its effects can be dangerous to individuals and all of humanity. Frankenstein was one of our first and still is one of our best cautionary tales about scientific research.. Shelleys novel is a metaphor of the problems technology is causing today. Learn from me. . . at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledgeRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1028 Words   |  5 PagesFrankenstein thinks that everything is alright now, but Elizabeth has a premonition that the monster will return, and she warns her fiancà © that she fears some harm is going to befall him. At the same time, during the entire village’s celebration, the father of the dead girl carries her lifeless body though the streets for all to see. The shock crowd stops its celebration, stunned and outraged over the death of Maria, and they demand justice from The Burgomaster (mayor) and local police. By nightfallRead MoreFrankenstein, Dracula and Spiritualism1701 Words   |  7 Pages1. Mary Shelley s Frankenstein tells the story of a man s desire to control life itself. Victor Frankenstein s main goal is his own glory and power. He desires like Prometheus before him to take something that is reserved for the god s and make it of use to men. Victor is unable to control this new found power and it eventually destroys him. Shelley tells this story of knowledge and science by introducing the romantic temperament of Victor and the gothic themes of the creation of the creatureRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus871 Words   |  4 PagesThe title of Mary Shelley s novel is Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus. So it shouldn t come as a shock that Mary Shelley was actually influenced by this tale. Her husband Percy Shelley had actually begun composing his own tale of Prometheus in the form of poetry entitled, Prometheus Unbound. He began composing this piece around the same time that his wife was publishing Frankenstein. Mary Shelley included The Modern Prometheus as part of her title for the novel and she attempts to compareRead MoreBiography And Background Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1003 Words   |  5 PagesBiography Background Author of Frankenstein, Mary Goodwin, was born in London, England in 1797. Poet Percy Shelley, her father s philosophy student took Goodwin to London to travel around Europe with her younger sister Jane. In 1816 the group traveled to Switzerland with Lord Byron. One night a member of the group suggested a writing competition. Shelley had writer s block for a time until she had a dream about the creation of a monster. Therefore, within the following days she began to writeRead MoreHow The Romantic Period Was Characterised By Political And Social Upheavals1318 Words   |  6 PagesThe Romantic period was characterised by political and social upheaval. The era marked England s shift from a largely agricultural society to a modern industrial nation. Moreover, the aristocracy s influence diminished, industry-owning middle classes grew. The Romantic epoch also witnesses revolution and war. First the American Civil War, followed by the French Revolution later. They brought concepts of popu lar freedom, and of the power of the proletariat. In England, these ideas were well received

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein - Societal Prejudices Essay

Societal Prejudices in Frankenstein Mary Shelleys novel, Frankenstein, sheds light on the importance of appearance through the tale of an unwanted creation that is never given a chance by society. Ironically, the supposed beast was initially much more compassionate and thoughtful than his creator, until his romantic and innocent view of the human race was diminished by the cruelty and injustice he unduly bore. Not only does the creature suffer the prejudice of an appearance-based society, but other situations and characters in the novel force the reader to reflect their own hasty judgment. The semi- gothic novel includes several instances of societal prejudice that include the isolation and outcast of Frankensteins creation,†¦show more content†¦The disappointment is not only irrational, but also shows his further jaded ideal of perfection in the fact that he considers ugliness a weakness. If that were true, ugliness would be the creatures only weakness, as the story goes on to tell of the selfless acts of kin dness the creature administers. Victor describes his supposed miserable failure as a deformed monster when he says His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of lustrous black, and flowing his teeth of pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only form a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same color as the dun-white sockets in which they were set, his shriveled complexion and straight black lips (56; ch.5; vol.1). Later, Victor sees the creature after a long period of his aimless roaming, and he trembled with rage and horror (95; ch. 3; vol .2). Victor wished to engage in mortal combat because he had a faint premonition the creature might have possibly killed his son. The senseless idea was formed simply because of the creatures physical features, and that he may have been in the vicinity. Even though the monster was shunned, hated, labeled prematurely as a killer, and cursed by his very own maker, he sees the goodness of the human heart and desires to learn more about the human race. As the supposed monster journeys onward, he is delighted and allured by the moon and sun, and other peaceful,Show MoreRelatedA Transformation from Gracious to Malicious1072 Words   |  5 PagesMost people are kind at heart, but society’s negative perceptions changes them. Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, portrays this concept. Frankenstein’s monster treats humans kindly - refuting the stereotype that all monsters are evil. In this novel, the monster is kind towards mankind until society criticizes him and turns him into a malicious creature. The monster that Frankenstein creates has kind-hearted morals, but because society harms him based on his hideous appearance. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Theory and Practice

Question: Discuss about the Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Theory and Practice. Answer: Introduction: The company selected for this task is Nick Scali Furniture which is listed on the stock exchange under the symbol of NCK. The company tends to import premium furniture and engage in the retailing of the same. Currently, the company has limited presence only at selected locations across Australia but the company in the near future aims to expand its operations and presence across more locations (NCK, 2015). In the wake of the future growth that the company expects, the role of CFO is of particular importance and cannot be overemphasised. The three main responsibilities that the CFO of NCK is expected to discharged are briefly discussed below. Investment Opportunities and Capital Budgeting In relation to the existing business model of the company, two factors are pivotal for the sustained success of the company. One is to select reliable vendors globally which can supply high quality furniture to the company and second is retailing of the same to the customers through a host of distribution channels. Currently the company sources furniture from Asia and as the business grows, it would be imperative for the company to scout for new opportunities from where the furniture could be bought from (NCK, 2015). Typically, this would require significant investment in the backend furniture value chain particularly at the end of the Asian vendor so as to assure that the company is able to get access to quality products. In this regard, there are a plethora of cost considerations as multiple factors are at play. For instance, the raw material availability and cost, availability of skilled labour, labour norms along with exchange rate fluctuations, underlying transport cost need to be considered by the company in order to choose vendors for the future. In this decision making, CFO plays a key role as he is aware of the various cost centres that contribute to the overall cost and ensures that these are built into the decision making process (Bhimani et. al..,2008). An additional requirement for the companys success is retailing. Although, the company does engage in e-retailing but considering the target segment that the company is targeting, it is imperative for the company to enhance its present in terms of retail stores. This is a strategic decision for the company which involves significant inputs from the CFO. The opening of new stores is a sizable capital investment for a company of the size of NCK (NCK, 2015). Hence, intense deliberations need to be carried put before narrowing down on a prospective location. Further, the estimated costs and revenue flow expected from the store would also be estimated based on the given information and empirical understanding of the business. Further, it is quite possible that the company may narrow down on multiple locations for setting up a retail store with all expected to create value for the company (Drury, 2008). However, the financial resources available with the company may be typically constraine d and hence under the aegis of the CFO capital rationing would be required so as to select on the most viable investment alternatives. Considering the high elasticity of the business, a sensitivity analysis of the prospective locations is also done in order to narrow down the choices and ensure a prudent choice be made (Petty et. al., 2015). Besides, it is also possible that the company may scout for some small acquisitions in the future in order to either gain presence in a new market or for backward integration. With regards to the due diligence of these acquisitions and the actual financing of these acquisitions, the role of CFO is integral and the success of these endeavours would depend on the business acumen, experience and knowledge of the CFO (Parrino Kidwell, 2011). Accounting and Reporting As a listed company, in case of NCK, segregation of owners and managers tend to exist which gives rise to the formation of an agency relationship. In order to safeguard the interest of the principal, the agent or the managers should continuously report the financial and operational performance to the owners so as to ensure that they prudent investment choice with regards to continuing their investment (Drury, 2008). Also, it needs to be considered that the company is a listed entity and hence needs to comply with regular reporting requirements as highlighted in the respective listing agreements of the stock exchanges. Further, this needs to be reported in a timely manner and at the same time should be compliant with the relevant accounting norms which is the responsibility of the CFO (Bhimani et. al., 2008). The CFO tends to be in regular touch with the audit committee of the company so as to understand the various loopholes that exist in the internal controls put in place by the company and ensures that requisite corrective measures are taken so as to ensure that the underlying risk of misreporting is minimised. Additionally, the tax liabilities of the company need to be prudently recorded considering the mode of sales and the value of imported furniture from abroad (Brigham Ehrhardt, 2013). Also, the impact of exchange rate is particularly significant for the shareholders of the company as the furniture is imported from Asia and hence currency fluctuations tends to have a direct impact on the underlying profitability of the business operations. The CFO ensures that these are reported correctly and also ensures that requisite hedging mechanism be put in place so as to deal with current risk (Brealey, Myers Allen, 2008). Additionally, the CFO acts as a chief coordinator to the external auditor and ensures that all the requisite information and support is made available to the external auditor so that the audit process is conducted smoothly and in a timely fashion. Besides, general overview of the companys operations, risk factors and the performance enables the auditor in making robust audit plans and resulting strategies (Seal, Garrison Noreen, 2012). Corporate Strategy Control The corporate strategy is the basic framework on which the companies operations are based so as to achieve the goals and objectives. In the process of corporate strategy formulation in wake of the competitive and dynamic business environment, the CFO plays a key pivotal role as he exploits his experience and superior financial skills so as to realistically present the likely financial implications of pursuing various options. This is particularly of significance for a company like NCK which operates in a highly elastic product segment and hence the business fortunes would be highly susceptible to the underlying economic trends (Brealey, Myers Allen, 2008). The CFO also tenders advice to the board with regards to any strategic alliances of acquisitions that may be value accretive for the shareholders. Additionally, since CFO is responsible for management of financial resources, hence his support his critical so as to ensure that the requisite resource allocation is done for a given p roject (Brigham Ehrhardt, 2013). The CFO also plays a crucial role with regards to erection of various benchmarks that act as milestones for ascertaining the performance of the various key executives. He/She also plays a critical role in the budget exercise which tends to spell out the key priorities of the company and acts as a potent tool to establish control over operations by limiting the availability of capital only for those projects that are considered value accretive by the management. Also, the CFO needs to meet the financing needs of the company so that the company has funds both for meeting working capital liabilities and also for setting new retail outlets (Bhimani et. al., 2008). Significance for objectives The role of CFO is a crucial one for the overall success of the company which is apparent from the responsibilities undertaken by him/her. The first step in this regard is to set a corporate strategy which is capable of achieving the companys vision and the objectives set by the management. Based on the corporate strategy, the various benchmarks are put in place which the key executive are expected to meet in a time bound manner. These benchmarks tend to be variable in nature and driven by a plethora of factors. The resource allocation is carried out under the aegis of CFO keeping in mind the budgetary allocations (Brigham Ehrhardt, 2013). Further, to achieve sustainable growth, it is imperative that the company enhances its presence which typically would require capital rationing and would to an extent be driven by the underlying preferences in whose determination, CFO would play and active role (Bhimani et. al., 2008). Also, it is the duty of CFO to ensure that the operational and financial performance of the company is disseminated to relevant internal and external stakeholders in a timely manner (Drury, 2008). To critically examine the given statement, the preliminary step is to discuss the efficient markets concept which is aptly represented in the form of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). In accordance with the EMH concept, market efficiency exists primarily in three forms. The weak form of market efficiency hypothesises that the stock price movement is essentially random in nature and has no linkage with the past prices. Further, it is driven only by the information entering the market and technical analysis as an investment technique would fail (Petty et. al., 2015). The semi-strong form of market efficiency hypothesises that there is no utility of tracking stock specific information as any new information tends to get captured by the prices almost in an instantaneous matter and thereby does not provide opportunities to the market participants to derive gains based on this (Damodaran, 2008). The strong form of market efficiency hypothesises that the market price of the stock equals th e intrinsic price which is indicative of the all stock specific information and therefore there is no role for fundamental analysis as the stocks do not deviate from their intrinsic prices and any minor deviations are corrected automatically (Brealey, Myers Allen, 2008). If the capital markets become efficient and display features shown above, it seems that the statement that the pension fund manager could select the stock with a pin may be true. This is because the empirical prices of the stock are not significant for initiating any trades as the future prices are not linked with past prices. Also, the information about individual stocks is also equally futile because by the time the pension fund manager is in a situation to react to the news, the entire impact of the news has already been reflected in the price of the security. Thus, it makes sense for the pension fund manager to act as a passive investor in such scenario (Parrino Kidwell, 2011). However the following two factors also need to be considered before reaching a final conclusion. The investors in stock market are exposed to two risks i.e. systematic risk and unsystematic risk. The systematic risk cannot be eliminated through diversification of portfolio but the unsystematic risk can be minimised and even eliminated through portfolio diversification. As a result, it is imperative for the pension fund manager to choose a portfolio which is well diversified so as to atleast minimise the unsystematic risk associated with the investment. Clearly, this cannot be ensured through random selection of stocks and needs active choice of stocks designed towards a specific aim (Brealey, Myers Allen, 2008). Besides, considering that pension fund is directed towards providing a secured income to investors after retirement, hence the stock choices tend to be biased in the favour of large blue chip stocks that may offer limited capital gains but offer sizable dividend income. Hence, the portfolio that the pension fund manager must select should be representative of this objective and hence the stocks would not be chosen with a pin as the portfolio may include high risk growth oriented stocks (Damodaran, 2008). Based on the above reasoning, it may be concluded that the given statement is indeed false. References Bhimani, A, Horngren, CT, Datar, SM Foster, G 2008, Management and Cost Accounting 4th eds., Prentice Hall/Financial Times, Harlow Brealey, R, Myers, S Allen, F 2008, Principles of Corporate Finance, 9th eds., McGraw Hill Publications, New York Brigham, EF Ehrhardt, MC 2013. Financial Management: Theory Practice, 14th eds., South-Western College Publications, New York Damodaran, A 2008, Corporate Finance, 2nd edn, Wiley Publications, London Drury, C 2008, Management and Cost Accounting, 7th eds., Thomson Learning, London NCK 2015, Annual Report 2015, Available online from (Accessed on September 13, 2016) Parrino, R Kidwell, D 2011, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 3rd eds., Wiley Publications, London Petty, JW, Titman, S, Keown, AJ, Martin, P, Martin JD Burrow, M 2015, Financial Management: Principles and Applications, 6th eds., Pearson Australia, Sydney Seal, WB, Garrison, RH and Noreen, EW 2012, Management Accounting, 4th eds., McGraw -Hill Higher Education, Maidenhead